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Kingdom of Satan [Preview : Alice]


Nama : Alice

Jabatan : Menteri

Status : Satu kali menikah




“Ia jatuh terpuruk dalam kegelapan yang salah. No one knows, and no one can help her….




C-O-M-I-N-G  S-O-O-N

Kingdom of Satan

The new appearing of a parallel world.

Let. It. Go.

Credit : Keyunge @ bluegreenfanfiction

Starring by : Yuri SNSD

Starring in real life : Desty


220197 | Author & Artworker | BTS | Writing is my life

5 tanggapan untuk “Kingdom of Satan [Preview : Alice]

  1. Dear Madam Alice,
    Please be wise to people. Don’t worry, i will help you, Madam.
    Yours faithfully,
    Sophie Miller

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